Friday 6 November 2020

onomatopoeia poem

 Blocks break within the mine

Zombies growl in the dark

Water sizzles with lava to make obsidian 

Stupid villgers honk with there noses

Ender dragon screeches in the end

Minecraft............................ u lik it???


  1. Hi it’s Zac from room 8 here , I really like your post about an onomatopoeia poem that you made. I like the theme but could be a bit longer. Check out my blog at Zac’s Blog snap crackle and bye!

  2. Ello Tamati, its Arlo and I think that your minecraft poem is cool.
    I have done something like this and it's about the fortnite chug-jug...
    What would you add to minecraft?
    Adio amigos,-Arlo

  3. Hello Tamati, Dekovyn here from Room 25! I likes your poem about "Minecraft" I can't forget the onomatopoeia you used them in every line! Ka pai you are a amazing blog poster!
    Anyways if you have time check out my blog!
    Blog ya later!


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